List of Figshare Integrations
Built-in integrations
Usage Metrics
- Dimensions funding and citation information
- Altmetrics donut
- Readcube
- Clamav virus scanner
Integrations available to individual users
- Github
- Import a zipped folder of your GitHub repo into Figshare (configure within your Figshare account)
- Push files into Figshare directly from GitHub
- ORCiD (configure within your Figshare account)
- Binder – Enter a data or code Figshare DOI to launch a Figshare project as a Binder. This will launch an interactive environment based on the content and configuration files in the project. (see the public BinderHub here:
- RSpace – Integrate your RSpace Electronic Lab Notebook with your Figshare account.
- Overleaf – Publish your Overleaf projects directly to Figshare.
- Open Science Framework (OSF) – Connect Figshare to your OSF project.
- ImpactStory – Link your Figshare and ImpactStory accounts.
- Lab Notebooks
- LabArchives – Export from your LabArchives Notebook to your Figshare account
- RSpace – Integrate your RSpace Electronic Lab Notebook with your Figshare account. Follow these steps to learn how to enable the integration.
- labfolder – Import your Figshare items into your labfolder account using this integration, documented here.
Other tools and apps
Others have made many tools or applications that work with Figshare. A general search of GitHub gives a quite a few results! Below are just a few examples.
- Uploader for large files and associated metadata – This application enables the bulk upload of files and associated metadata kept in an excel spreadsheet to the Figshare repository.
- GitHub: OmniAuth Strategy – An OmniAuth Strategy for the Figshare API. You can use it to authenticate users against the Figshare API in your ruby on rails/sinatra/other rack-based web application.
- GitHub: Figshare Harvester for OpenVIVO – The harvester supports harvesting by tag. Given a tag, the harvester gathers all the content from Figshare with the specified tag, producing RDF for each work. The Harvester uses openVIVO URI conventions for dates and people. Only identified works and identified people are included in the RDF.
- GitHub: Figshare Python Recommender – A Python script that ingests Figshare’s API data and transforms it into data suitable for loading into a recommendation engine. In our case, we save the recommendation data in Kafka but you can easily change this in
- GitHub: Scala/Apache Ignite Recommendation Engine – A Scala/Apache Ignite collaborative-filtering based recommendation engine largely stolen from a Spark library but re-written to be a lot faster, flexible and scalable, perfect for Figshare data.
- GitHub: Client for Figshare API – This is a simple client for the Figshare API in python.
- GitHub: iRODS – Playground for iRODS integration.
Figshare supports interoperability of metadata via OAI-PMH. All metadata scross Figshare is exportable and harvestable using our OAI-PMH endpoints. In order to harvest Figshare metadata from your Figshare repository only, you will need to filter the Figshare ListSet for your portal ID.
You will be provided with your stage and production environments’ OAI-PMH ListSet URL during your Figshare Implementation.
If you are an existing Client and do not know your ListSet ID, Figshare can provide you with the OAI-PMH ListSet for your stage and production environments. Please contact our Support Team to request your OAI-PMH ListSet URLs.
FIgshare and/or some of our existing institutional partners have successfully established harvests to the following services and/or national aggregators:
- Google Scholar and Google Dataset search
- Primo
- Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD)
- Re3Data
- Trove (ANDS)
- Research Data Australia – RDA (ARDC)
- Openaire
- EThOs (UK theses & dissertations)
- Core
- Helt (UK institutions)
- DigitalNZ