How to use Private Links
You may want to privately share your uploaded files and metadata before making them public (e.g. as part of an anonymous peer review process) or give access to embargoed files to a colleague. Private links in Figshare enable these workflows.

Open the item you want to create a private link for. On the top right side of the metadata form click “Share with private link” to configure a private link. You can set the date you would like the private link to expire or disable an existing link.

Share the link with those you want to provide access to or submit it with your manuscript. Those clicking on the link will see an anonymized version of your metadata (author information removed) and they can see and download the file(s). If your files contain information that identifies you or others, the person with the private link will be able to see that information, so anonymize the files before sharing if needed.
Remember, anyone with the link can access your item, even if your item is unpublished!