How to publish a dataset at the same time as the associated paper
Most publishers and funders now ask researchers to make the data supporting a paper available. When data sharing, evidence of data sharing and peer review of data is required, authors require a workflow to keep their datasets private until the paper is published.
Below are the workflow steps to share data anonymously pre publication and how to reserve a DOI using Figshare.
- Login to your account and create a new item
- Upload your files or choose from the other options
- Add descriptive metadata as if you are ready to make the file public. Do not publish the item yet!
- Reserve a DOI and add this DOI to your manuscript before submitting it. Often this goes in the ‘Data availability’ or ‘Supplementary materials’ section of the paper, or you may choose to (also) add a citation for your item in your Literature cited or References section.
- On the top right side of the metadata form click “Share with private link” to configure a private link.
- If you want the peer reviewer(s) or publisher to see your files and metadata as part of the review process, send them the private link with your manuscript. This is an anonymous link – your identity will not be known to the peer reviewers.
- Submit your manuscript now that it cites/references your item with the reserved DOI and gives temporary and anonymous access to the item to the reviewers.
- Endure the back and forth of the peer review process…
- Upon notification that the paper is accepted and published, log into your account, add the paper’s DOI to the ‘Related materials’ section and use ‘IsSupplementTo’ as the relationship. The dataset can then be linked by databases. For example see this paper’s record in the Dimension’s database with the dataset nicely displayed as supplementary material:
- Review your metadata for completeness.
- Click “Publish item” – Congratulations! You’ve successfully shared your research in a reusable and citable way. The DOI that was reserved, will now be minted (go live) and the citation in your paper will be linked to the dataset.