File formats supported for in-browser preview
What file formats can I upload?
Figshare accepts the upload of any file type or format. Here are some nice examples:
- jupyter:
- molecule:
- presentation:
- 3dviewer:
- txt:
- network graph:
Figshare aims to preview in the browser as many file formats as possible. The following table lists all of these formats. You can search Figshare for examples of each extension using a query in the Figshare search bar like
:extension: kml
viewer type | thumbnail type | controls | extensions |
archive | svg glyph | tgz, zip, rar, iso, tar, bz2, gz, xz, txz, 7z | |
audio | svg glyph | mp3, wav, aif, aiff, wma | |
dataset | svg glyph | csv, sav, tsv, xls, xlsb, xlsx | |
document | generated | zoom, pagination | doc, docx, dxf, odp, ods, odt, pages, pdf, rtf, ttf, xps, epub |
image | generated | zoom | jpg, jpeg, png, gif, tif, svg, bmp, psd, tiff, ai, lsm |
jupyter | svg glyph | ipynb | |
kml | svg glyph | kml | |
molecule | svg glyph | cif, pdb, xyz | |
presentation | generated | pagination | ppt, pptx, pptm |
video | generated | 3gp, avi, flv, gvi, m2v, m4v, mkv, mov, mp4, mpg, ogv, webm, wmv, mpeg, | |
viewer3d | svg glyph | obj, stl, ply, u3d | |
txt | svg glyph | font zoom | 1c, accesslog, armasm, arm, avrasm, actionscript, as, apache, apacheconf, applescript, osascript, asciidoc, adoc, aspectj, autohotkey, autoit, axapta, bash, sh, zsh, basic, brainfuck, bf, cs, csharp, cpp, c, cc, h, c++, h++, hpp, cal, cos, cls, cmake,, csp, css, capnproto, capnp, clojure, clj, coffeescript, coffee, cson, iced, crmsh, crm, pcmk, crystal, cr, d, dns, zone, bind, dos, bat, cmd, dart, delphi, dpr, dfm, pas, pascal, freepascal, lazarus, lpr, lfm, diff, patch, django, jinja, dockerfile, docker, dts, dust, dst, elixir, elm, erlang, erl, fsharp, fs, fix, f90, fortran, f95, gcode, gams, gms, gauss, gss, go, gherkin, golang, golo, gololang, gradle, groovy, htm, xml, html, xhtml, rss, atom, xsl, plist, http, https, haml, handlebars, hbs, html.hbs, html.handlebars, haskell, hs, haxe, hx, ini, inform7, i7, irpf90, json, js, java, jsp, javascript, jsx, lasso, less, lassoscript, ls, lisp, livecodeserver, livescript, ls, lua, makefile, mk, mak, markdown, md, mkdown, mkd, mathematica, mma, matlab, maxima, mel, mercury, mizar, mojolicious, monkey, nsis, nginx, nginxconf, nimrod, nim, nix, ocaml, ml, objectivec, mm, objc, obj-c, glsl, openscad, scad, ruleslanguage, oxygene, pf, pf.conf, php, php3, php4, php5, php6, parser3, perl, pl, powershell, ps, processing, prolog, protobuf, puppet, pp, python, py, gyp, profile, k, kdb, qml, r, rib, rsl, graph, instances, ruby, rb, gemspec, podspec, thor, irb, rust, rs, scss, sql, p21, step, stp, scala, scheme, scilab, sci, smali, smalltalk, st, stan, stylus, styl, swift, tcl, tk, tex, thrift, tp, twig, craftcms, typescript, ts, vbnet, vb, vbscript, vbs, vhdl, vala, verilog, v, vim, x86asm, xl, tao, xpath, xq, zephir, zep, cc, com, conf, txt, cxx, def, f, for, g, h, hh, idc, jav, list, log, lst, m, mar, pl, sdml, text, test, tst, fasta, fas, r, jsonld, aln, all, dist, ali, jvxl, csproj, rout, ado, gd, gb, hapflk, primer, als, agp, mws, geocat, gp, tr, alf, zmx, mainparams, nmt, oligos, norm, insightmaker, biom, bethedgingmodel, string, traj, flml, mpt, fai, exmkli, fam, xprs, ga, blast, deepaxax, hdr, cml, trc, bpmn, tre, dia, reg, p, mae, defaults, div, dcse, evt, infile, tem, cff, cfg, nbp, rev, sync, cvs, vhdr, run, append, clustalw, sum, evec, experiment, nex, shared, net, nwk, jdx, exi2mk, edited, meg, len, met, mep, groups, kinf, non, ctr, xmpmeta, mshp, mo, sla, ctd, rdf, morphoj, ctl, ctm, m3d, cti, extrnlf, ipf, app, strat, vin, names, jrp, counts, apf, popstar, pxd, twb, feb, exlirl, mss, msq, extrnli, predict, txt~, call, lfmm, msf, nlogo, atf, vout, src, plain, tf, train, adult, vpc, pper, tuftrs, me, tnt, mc, mb, dep, setup, annot, mt, mw, mp, ms, m~, example, history, shark, ids, synctex, nexus, chip, sps, spt, agent, tabular, spj, conttable, tab, eap3, csl, chile_xerocomoids, hoc, rdfs, afa, bayescan, env, parameter, vpj, fq, head, pqi, lab, fa, catalog, mesh, lay, snp, maf, data, f90_original, csh, tuftib, sparql, ss, nosex, q, gff3, sd, dx, taxonomy, nontuftrs, genomes, rd, sge, ttl, fis, faa, gtf, vti, unique_haplotypes, vtl, fpkm, gen, yaml, gtr, hin, gtx, vtx, nerwick, sif, ginml, r2, supbask, rwl, trprobs, tps, suplts, sorted, noq, mcmc, config, classified, l, ipm, el, mdh, bvals, mdm, dcrcdr3, rdmpd, exlilf, trd, osim, meta, reftableheader, bngl, prototxt, mdp, pareto, gff, matk, out, rex, bmg, vcf, qc, exmatk, smi, phb, calib, blg, dsc, asv, nts, mmp, asc, bayes, asd, freq, pfam, std, macos, mdist, pqr, filter, att, edgelist, bedgraph, wld, mperm, kin, mdown, rooted, mlab, pgn, mzxml, misa, trees-d-place, fdb, 1d, array, isd, genotype, jet, script, fmw, top, sdm, fml, gpx, phytab, cdxml, afasta, exits2, exits1, qti, rm5, pdt, pds, gto, ogm, qual, xml~, ncl, csvy, frt, rst, rdump, ascc, 11, 10, ka, sto, tree, mcif, bed, dtd, trex, phyml, str, gbs, qpj, meme, prg, pkint, sam, prm, fastq, prn, prj, phy, prt, spinstell, stru, prs, sas, fastg, sat, lim, inv, arff, mix, fsata, fsta, phrynos_mptp, tfam, vna, xbif, bst, suppyrrs, pyr, altman, stats, fcl, kb, tpl, cki, praat, spept, gts, exmklf, mcr, mrb, nls, mfa, sage, xdsl, cdt, jags, bgz, pao, bvecs, paup, menu, clustal, dict, moses, xmp, yml, do, dl, off, template, prmtop, xfasta, sst, spped, trees, thm, tbl, rawtable, new, report, ssd, geo, ds, ssc, tikz, bas, jape, exi1rl, summary, vmrk, cf, logistic, x, xmap, nexml, ars, lir, seq, msat, ko, gbl, mlmtdna_pbt, newick, suppyrfrb, outgroup_gblock, result, nuc, spp_test_structure, nrt, lur, mus, jtv, tcr, sites, mtx, deeplts, mzdata, props, readme, irc, xvg, rmd, xslt, snps, fchk, jl, hd_matrix, bibs, outtree, rttm, hits, cor, fit, mor, tmax, blastp, blastn, missingclades, cod, fna, uni, rnp, ptraj, con, aa, exi1i2, genetrees, por, pos, pop, header, pom, vtp, church, cp, tax, pck, dis, oln, frq, pi, pro, pm, rproj, qsf, ych, mcd, hmp, digi_structure, hmm, geste, wfn, exlfrl, gnu, align, batch, xgmml, rbcl, sln, hdb, tds, ly, phylip, tdt, tped, exi2li, qiimeotutable, ris, vn, vot, vu, in, id, par, pau, generic, exi2lf, gbk, s2s, parts, qmat, filtered, paj, pal, bib, its2, phe, its1, sys, user, bayenv, arp, dat, estimation, dadi, d1s, sdx, analysis, epf, model, wig, resx, gdv, taxa, drw, gdf, exi1lf, nam, mdcrd, gml, taxo, ele, source, hap, allele, elp, gmt, rnk, bim, embl, psl, psc, psf, mot, summ, mol, namd, bip, treeout, intel, sizes, qua, manifest, consensus, t, rmsfit, gjf, alignments, reduced, pyx, r~, gtl, sequences, rec, pdbqt, supaxax, fld, est, aml, ref, pep, fods, rdmped, jsl, pzfx, masked, ped, ict, cgi, blastoutput, plt, pls, vaxml, properties, dcp, ve, obo, bgd, map, sphybrid, rpres, obs, gsheet, owl, fplot, mbi, ace, soi, ahk, mgm, bound, xyd, url, genepop, loc, m4, ptp, rplot, xpd, hed, xpx, fasn, xpr, exi1mk, xpw, ode, function, dnd, pipeline, xyzi, deepbask, trnli, sdd, sdf, gmx, delta, sdl, nanorc, pwm, bug, info, trnlf, input, penat, birdcoi_ii, gro, mtl, lvm, brd, trim, c3xml, int, cbk, trig, unsafe, msp, graphml, msl, trix, file, ntree, ind, pir, exi2rl, inc, igv, igs, cdq, exrbcl, nb, nal, ijm, nx, grd, u, grm, nw, node, stat, v3s, outgroup, models, mol2, exmkrl, xtekct, sqn, matrix, fsa, mase, nxs, cpg, cps, pet, fst, dot, kgg, time, n3, sbml, adaf, supplementaryfiles |
graph | svg glyph | gephi,gexf | |
fits | svg glyph | zoom, pagination, histogram | fits |
dicom | svg glyph | zoom, pagination, histogram | dicom, dcm |
Examples (widget)
To get widget examples and check how they adapt with different width and height, please use the same article id as the ones in the links above under: TAsInNob3dTdGF0cyI6dHJ1ZSwiYXJ0aWNsZUlkIjoxMTQ4OTYwfQ==