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Alignment of publisher data policies for all of academia’s benefit

The open research data space is picking up pace on all fronts at the moment. There has been an upswell in the focus on data from traditional academic publishers as well as recent policy pushes…

From Bethesda to Beijing – Open research data has arrived!

Last week saw two releases from organisations which will have a big impact on the next decade in academic research. Following on from the US Government’s OPEN data policy in January, the National Institute of Health (NIH)…

Figshare announces data repository partnership with the National Institutes of Health to store and reuse research data

Figshare, in partnership with the National Institutes of Health (NIH), announces the pilot launch of a new generalist data repository for all NIH-funded researchers, continuing the NIH’s efforts toward a permanent home for all datasets…

Beyond the publication: why good research has to be a citable ecosystem

Guest post by Mayank Kejriwal. Publications are the bread and butter of academics and researchers across disciplines, nationalities and institutions. Non-linear variants notwithstanding, the typical academic pursuit consists in devising a research question, doing the…

Persistent identifiers and discoverability

In order to track the impact of research outputs, academia has made use of persistent identifiers (PIDs). A PID is a link that is managed by an organization, that will always lead to the research…

Figshare now available on custom domains

We’re proud to announce that from today customers of ‘Figshare for Institutions’ and ‘Figshare for Publishers’ will now be able to host content on a custom domain. Figshare portals have historically lived on a Figshare…

Building visualizations from FAIR data on Figshare

Recently, we’ve been looking at the reusability of data in line with the FAIR principles. The ‘R’ of FAIR stands for Reusable and refers to data whereby the: “R1. meta(data) have a plurality of accurate and…

New funding information on Figshare items

We’re excited to announce an enhancement to an existing feature and extension of our integration with sister product Dimensions, which allows Figshare users to add funding information to their items and collections. Whilst there has…

Follow the research you care about

This extensive feature allows a user to “follow” many different aspects across the platform. This might mean updates from a particular author or group. Here’s a full list of the things you can keep track…